Saturday, June 9, 2012

BIOMAGE part 1

Well, It's been a while, but that's because I've been brainstorming.  I am going to be writing a story via Blog.  Yes! it's true! It will be a M:tG "fanfic-esque kinda-thing"  It will be written as a series of journal entries.  The idea was actually inspired by the short story "Flowers for Algernon."  The plan is to update every weekend, and I will gladly take critiques, praise, and ideas in the comment section. Thank you.  (P.S. Magic: the Gathering is owned entirely by Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro)

Without further ado:


6/9/2012 - I have awoken. I played this damn game for years and never had the faintest I dea that it was created by a retired Planeswalker! Oh, Richard Garfield, Ph.D, you glorious bastard, thank you.  Thank you for this!
Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever believed that the Multiverse was ACCESSABLE by a simple man such as myself! the problem is, I haven't ever developed a single mana-bond.  Not that I know of...
In all the time playing Magic: the Gathering I never could have conceived of this actually being REAL...
Ok, uh, well, I suppose I should begin at the beginning...

I am a guy.  Simple enough I suppose. 24 years old, I like to think I'm semi-successful.  I have my own place, I work in a funeral home, and I try to avoid my family.  I struggle sometimes, but my bills are paid, and I'm just starting out, so it's whatever.

I've been playing a card game called Magic: the Gathering most of my life, I began as a small child and haven't stopped since.  I immediately fell in love with it, the flavor, the worlds, the creatures.  Sometime I imagined if I stared hard enough at the sky, I could almost make out a dragon, or if it quickly glanced towards the forest I could just glimpse an elf hiding.  My mother told me I was foolish, but I was sure it was there.  As I grew older, I contented myself playing the game, but I had a sense of restlessness, like something was struggling to ignite within me.

Then, last Sunday, I had an accident.  I was driving my car, went around a corner, and hydroplaned.  The rear of my car slid around so I was backwards in my land and the momentum pulled my through the water off the side of the road into a rather large, rather old, rather solid Maple tree.  The car gave way before the tree did.

^This has seen better days^

As I was sitting in the driver's seat, glass blown all throughout the car, the door halfway into the back seat, i felt a tug at the base of my brain.  The world vanished.  There was a loud sucking noise; nothing existed.  It wasn't "black."  There was no black to be had.  Like everything just is, suddenly, it wasn't.  Then it was again.  But I wasn't in my car.

At first I thought I had had a fit of hysteria due to trauma.  Then an older gentleman looked at me, muttered to himself and walked off.  "SIR!!!", i shouted
No response.
"SIR!!!!!!!!!" I grabbed his arm, and he turned around, touched my chest, and "flicked" me.  I flew into a stall where a mess of strange fruits spilled onto my lap.

"Damn planeswalkers, just breezin' around, no courtesy for the common man.  First that Jace fellow, then the Death-Witch, then the damn big guy that looked sick, and then the one that was dressed like you.  Ever since the man with the metal arm came around, seems like Ravnica's been quite the tourist attraction.  Now if you'll excuse me, 'Sir'", he mocked me, "I have to be getting home.  surely not as important as you, of course, but I suppose you don't care 'bout all that, now do ya?"

And with that he vanished into the crowd.


I'd read about this place, but I'd always though it was made up by Hasbro.  And Planeswalkers?  Oh, there was much to be discovered here, to be sure.  But if this was all real... My mind spun with the possibilities.  Lorwyn might actually exist, and Turri Isle.  And Bant! Oh, God... Grixis... and... New Phyrexia? Oh my Lord.  My mind spun, and twisted.  I sat down hard.  The possibilities... The horrors...

The power...

I needed food.  I needed clothing.  I needed to figure out just how the hell to deal with all of this. Then another revelation hit me.  MAGIC IS A REAL THING.  AND I'M A PLANESWALKER.  I can go anywhere, do anything, meet anyone...

As I passed out, the last thing I saw standing over me was an old man with dark skin, armor, and a sunburst on his clothing.
