It's Sunday. Go away.
What, you're still here? And you expect a story.
uh. ok, here you go.
Once upon a time there was an old woman riding a train with her two grandchildren. They were misbehaving terribly, and no matter what she tried, whether it be stories or games or threatening their lives, they wouldn't sit still. Suddenly they came to a stop upon their journey and a man boarded the train and sat in their compartment. The man was doing his best to ignore them, but noticed the difficulty that the grandmother was having. Finally he asked if he could tell the children a story. The grandmother readily agreed, and thus the man began:
"Once upon a time in a small village there lived a little girl. This little girl was very well behaved. In fact, she was so well behaved that she had been awarded several medals. She had a medal for honesty, and one for loyalty, and one for kindness, and one for helpfulness... She had so many medals that they clanked and gleamed as she walked down the street. She spent a lot of time polishing her beautiful golden medals, as she was awfully proud of them.
One day this good little girl was packing up a basket full of good things to eat, along with a few gifts for her sickly old grandmother who lived in the woods. The girl always tried to visit her grandmother every week and make sure she was doing well.
After she had the basket packed, she put on her red cloak and set off into the woods, following a very well-tread path.
Little did she know that a very hungry wolf had noticed that she followed the same path every week (good girls are so predictable), and this wolf was rather hungry. And wouldn't you know it, The little girls medals were clanking and making it extremely easy for the wolf to follow.
The little girl was skipping along the path, bright golden medals glimmering and clanking cheerfully in the sunshine, one for Generosity, and one for loyalty, and one for Honesty... They all gleamed and chattered. Suddenly the wolf attacked! The girl shrieked and ran, dropping her basket full of her grandmother's food, hoping that the wolf would be distracted, but wolves generally don't care for Veal Marsala or Chicken Cordon Bleu.
The little girl took shelter in a clump of bushes and tried to breath as quietly as possibly. Sadly she was shaking out of fright and her medals clattered and the wolf found her and ate her.
The End."
The grandmother glared at the storyteller and frowned as she said, "My, that was an awful story. Does it even have a moral?"
The Man replied, "Of course it does. If she had been a little less good, maybe she'd be alive today. Nobody likes a Goody-Two-Shoes"
The grandmother looked very cross as he stood up to exit at his stop. "Well that's just terrible, encouraging children to misbehave..."
As the story teller slid past her he smiled at the children, turned back to the old woman, and replied, "Well, at the very least I was able to keep them quiet for 10 minutes, which is more than you can say you did."
The End. Now kindly shove off, Imma go watch the Super Bowl. Go Patriots!!
LOL... I knew it was gonna be a troll story... >__>